Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 9 - More weekend, more busy

More bites this morning - I hadn't noticed any for a couple of days. These are all on my arm and it is an arm that I had wrapped around a pillow. I had not tried treating the pillows at all. I've read that it is hard to get the core temp high enough to kill them just using a clothes dryer. Well, I may not kill them all, but I may kill some, so I am putting my two pillows in the dryer for over an hour and then I think I will bag one up and store it and bag the other before putting the zipper case and regular case on it. I do not have encasement bed bug specific cases for the pillow because I wanted the opinion of an exterminator first, also wanted to wait until I treated the pillows with the PakTite. I am not sure if I will be able to sleep on a pillow with the krinkle krinkle of plastic, but I'll try.

Aside from the pillows, I did another load of clothes. I knew I had a lot of clothes, but having to wash everything and then bag it up just makes it seem ridiculous. I absolutely need to pare down what I am keeping out to wear.

I took 3 space bags full of things that had been just hanging out in the kitchen to the storage room. The cats got to some of the space bags. I taped up the tears, but I am not convinced they will stay air tight (a bit of a problem with space bags anyway). Now how to know if the plain ole Ziploc bags are airtight. Easy enough to tell with the small once for outfits, squeeze them. But what about the XXL storage ones? hmm, something to think about. I can't be buying bins for everything. Took down one of the big Ziploc bags also.

I get the majority of my files into the plastic storage file boxes, but they aren't taped up yet. Cleared out a good chunk of papers also.

Vacuumed the 2 living spaces, gave the couch and 2 chairs the once over also. Bagged and trashed the vacuum bag (this is going to get expensive).

Exterminator comes tomorrow for inspection, so I am reading up on all the things I should ask about. Then I go looking for some info in the forums and make the mistake of just reading some. UGH! People on month 6 of infestation. People who see bugs on the walls IN THE DAY! People who are getting bit every night, but never find a bug even when a PCO comes to inspect!! I have found 8 bugs thus far. 5 the first day while looking pre-dawn, BUT STILL!

Oh my god I am so squicked out I bag up a bunch more stuff to be washed tomorrow. Spray down all shoes and bags to leave the house tomorrow, bag up the bags. Spray down a whole set of toys. I do not think there are any live bugs on them, but just in case there are some nymphs. Cannot wait to get the PakTite to treat these things. I am actually attempting to treat a couple of backpacks in a 170 degree oven right now.

Spent today:

Ziplocs big and small - $34.20
91% Rubbing Alcohol - $2.99
Laundry reload - $20.00

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