My son is quickly back to sleep, but not so for me. I am up and on the internet. Google "Bed Bugs". I read for maybe 15 minutes, realize that I need to get a sample of the bugs to make sure that is what it is (otherwise, the sites tell me, I will need an exterminator to do a full inspection). I also need to contain them to as quickly as possible stop the spreading. So back to the bedroom, this time with some clear tape in hand and a large Space Bag. Luckily I had some unused ones in the front closet. I go to the comforter and slowly, carefully open up a folded area in the dark, nothing in the first one, but the second one reveals another 2 lentil sized bugs and what seems to be smaller ones, or maybe they are eggs. ugh gross gag. I grab a tissue and squeeze it down as hard as possible over the area, then I transfer the two large ones to the clear tape and fold that over on them squeezing again as hard as I can just in case they are still alive. Then I fold that area back down and the rest of the comforter around it and smoosh it as slowly as I can muster into the space bag and then zip that mother shut. Then, to be perfectly honest, I do a small heeby jeeby dance.
There is still no chance that I am going to sleep, so I go back to the internet. I find and I read, and read, and read some more. I Google "Bed Bug Exterminators New York City" and several variations thereof. I find an exterminator highly recommended by people in more that one website. Bookmark that. I find advice about the tons of work I will need to be doing to contain and avoid the spreading.
When my son wakes up, early, but no longer dark outside, I am still online reading and bookmarking and making mental lists. I get him settled in for Saturday morning cartoons and my first day on my Bed Bug Journey begins.
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